drum lessons student performing live

Drum Lessons at the Groove Shack

The drums might be quite possibly the oldest instrument on the planet. One thing is for sure, they are an absolute blast to play! If you’re thinking about taking drum lessons with us here at the Groove Shack, here are a few things to consider first. One, the drums are VERY loud. Which makes them great for certain living situations and households, and not so great for apartments or homes with sleeping children. Don’t despair just yet, we have some great news for you. These days we actually have two types of drum sets: acoustic drums, and electric drums. We recommend electric drums for those that are looking for a low volume solution to what has traditionally been a very noisy instrument. Electric drums (like the electric piano), can be used with headphones, or amplified through a guitar speaker with the volume turned down low. It’s also a solid choice for younger students who might not fit into a full size acoustic kit yet. Nevertheless the drums are truly a blast to play, and are an absolute staple in any band situation. If you’re interested in knowing more about the differences between the two types of drum sets, come in for a lesson with us first before you purchase a set. We use both types of drum kits in our teaching spaces here at the studio!

Drum Lessons at the Groove Shack are available in a group lesson setting for Ages 5-12 ; and are offered in a private lesson setting for students ages 13+.

——>New for Fall 2023: All private lesson trials can now be booked directly from our website using the link below!

———>While group lesson trials will continue to be booked through our front office manager by using the sign up link below.